
The Big Shuffle | A Film Noir Card Game

Created by Previously Pluto

The Big Shuffle is a competitive 2-4 player film noir card game, where you play as 1 of 6 characters, each with their own agenda and unique abilities. Players must use their wit, guile, and influence to outmaneuver their opponents and set their desired scene.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

What is black and white and red all over? Our card upgrade from Stretch Goal 4!
about 3 years ago – Thu, Dec 30, 2021 at 11:34:18 AM

We did it. YOU did it! Stretch Goal 4 is now unlocked for The Big Shuffle. You will nab even better loot as the cards will be upgraded with a linen finish and foiled red edges! Thank you everyone for your amazing support. We can’t express how happy we are with how far we’ve come. 

Let's see if we can unlock playmats next! 12 days to go before the end of our Kickstarter. Make sure to stick around for more as we have more updates to come!

Extra! Extra! Read all about it! New Expansion and Upcoming Stretch Goals!
about 3 years ago – Wed, Dec 29, 2021 at 11:05:24 PM

Our next stretch goal, The Red Light Expansion, is only 1.2k away! Thank you for your amazing support! We are planning for brand new art, a new character and some interesting mechanics once we unlock the third stretch goal! Lets see what the city has to offer!

Stretch Goal Updates:

Thank you so much for backing "The Big Shuffle" on Kickstarter! With your support, we have reached our stretch goal of $20,000 in ten days! 

Based on your feedback, we’ve decided to make some improvements to our upcoming stretch goals. We hope these goals will add more value by giving you and other backers more in return for your generous contribution to the Kickstarter. 

Check out the updated stretch goals below. We look forward to hearing what you think!

Bam Bam! We hit our 2nd stretch goal, and the loot keeps getting better! Help us improve the score!
about 3 years ago – Wed, Dec 29, 2021 at 01:07:02 PM

Thank you for the support! We hit our 2nd stretch goal and we now will have an even better box- a box with an enhanced linen finish and better inserts for our cards! We really appreciate everyone who has donated, and can't wait to see if we can hit our next goal which expands upon the game. Enter, The Red Light Expansion:

The Red Light Expansion - A Glimpse into the Crime Underworld

We have lots of plans in the works for the expansion, such as new cards, characters and possible mechanics. We have lots of ideas and want them to come to life, so please spread the word about The Big Shuffle, a film noir of your own making!

Shipping Notes:

Please note that we have adjusted the language on the pledges to reflect how we are handling shipping. Our shipping amounts are based on our fulfillment center's estimates, and therefore there will be no extra shipping charges after the campaign via our pledge manager.

How does this impact you? It doesn't, everything remains the same-  only the language has been updated.

Let's sweeten the deal! We are $1.5k away from our next stretch goal!
about 3 years ago – Thu, Dec 16, 2021 at 08:32:14 PM

A little under a week since we launched The Big Shuffle Kickstarter campaign and now we are less than $1.5K away from unlocking our second stretch goal, an upgraded box (and inserts)!

Take a gander at our fancy future box! Shines like a pearl!

While there is still 3 weeks to go before our Kickstarter ends, we are coordinating with our supplier on the card quality upgrade as the first stretch goal was achieved. Thank you Gameland for having us as your customer! 

We are also working closely with a publishing and design house that specializes in tabletop game review. We are doing several creative test runs of The Big Shuffle to render the gameplay even more balanced and enjoyable for players. Thank you Cleromancy Games for helping us!

Stay tuned for more updates!

Bada-bing! Funded in 26 hrs with your help! Not only that, we hit our first stretch goal!
about 3 years ago – Tue, Dec 14, 2021 at 11:40:24 PM

We are excited to share that just over 26 hours after launching our page we hit our funding goal to produce and ship this game to all eligible backers and since then have unlocked our first stretch goal.

We also have plans to make new stretch goals if the support keeps up and we reach all the current ones we are aiming for! We never expected how well received our game would be and everyone's support through pledging and sharing this project has blown us all away.

We would like to thank everyone who helped us get this far, and thank anyone who supports us in the future. Without all of the support we have received none of this would be possible and no amount of words can express the excitement and gratitude we feel towards everyone who believes in us and our product. 

Again, thank you for choosing "The Big Shuffle",  a noir film of your own making! More updates to come!

Kenneth Oum, Previously Pluto